Sirius part 3
by Alps Aris Sarsis

Alps sat up. Morning already? Alps looked out the window. Sure enough, the sun was up. He looked around. Nidaja and Misty were gone. Alps lifted his nose. Breakfast. He dressed and dashed downstairs. Nidaja and Misty were sitting at the table talking. They were alone other than the waitress, who was busy in the kitchen. Alps hid around a corner so he could listen to the conversation. He was still feeling guilty about last night. He had taken the poor doctor by force. She could not have been happy about it, even if her body responded well to the treatment and allowed her to come again. Nidaja was speaking.

"No, he didn't, " she said happily, "he pulled out and soaked my belly, then finished me. You passed out and I guess he felt it was wrong somehow to burst on you when you were out cold."

Alps choked. He didn't really expect the conversation to be about him.

"I hope he didn't get upset..." Misty said softly. He must have really looked at that as some kind of rape. He's a very loyal servant to have bounced me anyway, just because you demanded it. It's true, I didn't want it at first. It hurts like hell to lose your virginity, so I was afraid to go all the way. Actually, it didn't hurt to much. I guess it's because I was still tingling from the washout I had before. I still can't believe you forced him to..Oh Nidaja, you're one sick puppy." Nidaja laughed.

"You needed every bit of what you got last night, and don't you deny it!" she cackled. The hiding lupis swallowed. Misty was a virgin? Nidaja forced him to take a vixen's virginity? He frowned. She was kind of old to be a virgin.

Alps went ahead and approached. He was relieved to find Misty in good spirits after being pounded like she was last night.

"Alps!" Misty piped. She patted a chair, motioning for Alps to sit beside her.

"Hi Misty..." Alps said uncomfortably. He still did it, even if she didn't mind it now. He sat down and looked at the floor.

"About last night Alps..." Misty said kindly. Alps looked into her eyes. She froze, unable to speak. Finally, she leaned forward and kissed him. Alps looked at her curiously. "Thanks." she sighed. "I needed that. I kept putting off relationships to study some unknown field of science or medicine, that I never even got a chance for a decent roll in the hay with anybody. I don't want you feeling guilty about what you did to me, Nidaja told you to do it, and you should be proud that you would shuck your inhibitions to follow your master's orders. Once we get home, I was wondering if it would be okay if I..borrowed you once in a while..maybe once a month. Just for fun, like last night."

Alps stared at the vixen. She just asked him to screw her a public place. Alps nodded. He would do it, if his owner didn't mind.

"Are you hungry Alps?" Nidaja asked. Alps nodded again. He was famished. Sex left him hungrier than a day of hard labor for his previous owner. The waitress stepped up to the table.

"You obviously have your work cut out for you." she said knowingly. "This ones on the house. What'll you have?"

Alps ordered a few things off the menu. Lots of protein. He would need his strength.

"We'll start across the ocean today." Nidaja said as they waited to be served. "Do you like boats?" she asked. Alps shrugged.

"I've never been on one." he said.

"Oh, I hope you don't get seasick." Misty said. Alps looked at her curiously. Seasick? "Don't worry, if you do, Misty can help you. She can relieve that sort of thing easily. I know, I used to be awful on a boat."

"Still, it's very unpleasant, and I hope he doesn't need to be treated for it." Misty sighed.

The vixens were served. They had placed their orders before Alps reached them, it seemed. Alps waited patiently on his food. Nidaja let him taste her tiamac, which he had never tried. It was too spicy for him. He needed a sip of her wine after a bite of it. Later Alps was served his roast arman and jagas eggs. Nidaja had never tried the eggs, and so taste tested them, only to say they were too bland, drowning her portion with sauce from her tiamac.

After they ate, they grabbed their things...they had not unpacked...and left the inn. After an hour of travel on the busy streets of Jalana, Misty, Alps, and Nidaja came to a dock. A small, but impressive schooner was there, being prepped for departure.

"Is this our boat?" Alps asked.

"It is." Nidaja said proudly, "The Initini Maru, one of the finest vessels on the water."

Alps cocked his head. The name seemed familiar. Where had he heard it before? Alps sighed and walked across the gangplank. The boat was a lot more solid than Alps thought it would be, as solid as the upstairs portion of any hotel he had ever been in. Upon his getting on board, he was greeted by two vixens.

One was very short, coming only to his chest, with jet black fur. She was incredibly muscular, and had bright, cheerful eyes. She was scantily clad, though, her legs and arms and belly entirely bare. In fact, the outfit she had on seemed to be no more than a single piece of silk, run across her chest in an 'x' pattern to just barely cover her breasts, then wrapped around her waist, then ran between her legs in a thin 'v'. She wore a belt, and, on the belt, a small, but brutally sharp hand axe. Her hair, also a glossy jet black, flowed tauntingly in the sea breeze. She was very lovely, Alps noted, and he cast his attention to the other vixen.

She was a little taller than he was, by several inches. She had gold fur like Misty's, but it was short, like Alps'. She wore a simple chemise with dagged sleeves. It was very elegant. She also wore a belt, on which was attached a short sword. Her hair was tied in a pony tail, and rested over the front of her shoulder, longer than any of the other vixens, coming almost to her waist. She was also better built than the others. Her hips her wide and tempting, and her breasts subjected the loose chemise with more pressure then it was designed for. His companions got on board.

"Welcome back, Nidaja!" the black-furred vixen said cheerfully.

"Did you enjoy your vacation?" the other asked.

"I had a great time." Nidaja answered. Misty left for some other part of the ship.

"Who is this?" the short one asked. Nidaja smiled.

"My personal servant. His name is Alps." She answered.

"Alps?" the short one repeated. "Hi, my name is Uri. This is Misha. We're in charge of the general's safety on her ocean voyages." Alps cocked his head.

"General?" he asked, confused, "What general?"

Uri gave him a weird look. Suddenly, reality hit Alps like a ton of bricks. Initini Maru. The flagship of the Lupine navy. The personal cruise vessel of General Razelle. The queen's sister. Alps heart almost stopped beating. He slowly turned his head and looked at Nidaja. She looked back innocently.

"I thought you knew." she said. Alps stepped back a step. General Nidaja Luna Razelle, the head general of the lupine defence force. I times of emergency, she held power beyond the queen herself. She had never been bested in combat. She controlled the lives of almost a million lupi that were in the Lupine army. And Alps was her personal property. He reeled back further as a memory smashed into him like the waves against the docks. He had pumped the general of the Lupine defence force like a two bit slut a couple nights in a row. He had even deflowered Misty Metsuko, the queen's top advisor. There were six lupi in the Lupine High Council. All of them were vixens, since their society was matriarchal.

Alps cringed. He had just screwed the hell out of a third of the High Council! Alps looked desperately at Nidaja. He should have been bowing and scraping from the get go! He fell to his knees. He was in the presence of royalty now.

"I'm sorry, m'lady." Alps said loudly. "I didn't know!" He looked at the vixen pleadingly. She looked completely stunned.

"Geez, cut it out, you act like you slept with her!" Uri laughed. Alps cringed again and looked away. His reaction to the statement was very obvious.

"Oh my god!" Misha cried. Uri gazed at Nidaja.

"You didn't!" she said, aghast. Nidaja smiled smugly.

"Shit, you did." Uri said in defeat. "Well, he's your servant, you can do whatever you want with him. How much did you give for him?" Nidaja smiled.

"That's the best part!" she chimed, "He only cost twenty bits!"

" 'Cause the white fur?" Misha asked. Nidaja nodded.

"Some lupi are so narrow minded. I guess you've already gotten your money's worth out of him. Is he any good?"

Alps was still on his hands and knees. They were talking openly about his nightly work again! It seemed even more unthinkable now that it was royalty. There was no way he could hump Nidaja again. Never, he'd be too nervous. She's the queen's sister for crying out loud!

"Yea, he's great!" Nidaja said excitedly, "He learns fast, and is well built for that kind of work. You should invite him to one of your's and Misha's little adventures." Alps looked at Nidaja curiously. Adventures?

"I don't know..." Uri said cautiously, "I never thought of doing that around a male. Never with more than two. Just us, or me and a choice male. I've never tried what you're asking." Alps looked at Uri. What the hell were they talking about?

"I don't mind." Misha said softly. Nidaja and Uri looked at her curiously. Though Uri was actually a little younger than Alps, Misha seemed to be about the age of Misty. She was obviously the deciding voice between the two guards.

"Are you sure?" Nidaja asked cheerfully, "Do you really want to?" Misha smiled.

"It sounds like fun!" she said. Alps looked curiously between them.

Alps sighed. He was sitting on a round bed, the size of the one he had been in that first night with Nidaja. It was very firm, but comfortable nonetheless. Nidaja had taken him into the hall before this bedroom, taken off his clothes, ushered him into the room, closed the door, and left. Was she going to make him have sex again? Surely she would. She was a general now, but then, she was before. The same vixen, with the same intentions.

Alps sighed, totally resigned now to the tasks that he needed to perform. So what if she was the top general, she was still a vixen. Her job was very stressful. She needed what Alps was providing. He looked up as he heard the door unlock. She was here. Alps would greet her with a smile.

He froze. Uri and Misha entered the room instead, and closed the door behind them. They wore open fronted robes tied closed in the middle.

"Hi, Alps." Misha said.

Alps didn't even attempt to cover himself up. Whatever Nidaja had planned, he didn't need to be shy anymore.

“Just watch for a while, okay?" she asked.

Alps moved to the very center of the bed. What were they doing? It was night time outside, and they were already far from land. The vixens went about the room and blew out all the lamps, and then opened a window, admitting bright moonlight, bright enough for Alps to sea the lovely vixens quite well as they moved to the center of the room. Alps swallowed as Uri caressed Misha's shoulder affectionately. They looked into each other's eyes playfully. Alps prick hardened slowly as he watched them continue to caress each other. What were they doing? Were they lesbians?

Alps got his answer as Uri slipped her tongue into Misha's mouth. Alps swallowed. Nidaja wanted him to watch two vixens make love? Why? Alps looked at his cock. It was rigid and ready. Why did the thought of them touching each other like that excite him so much?

Alps cast his gaze back on the vixens. They were still kissing. It was very interesting. He shuddered as he watched Uri's hand slide onto Misha's chest.

She squeezed a breast, making the taller vixen draw a quick breath. She separated her kiss and tilted her head back. Uri was standing very close, now massaging Misha's breasts.

Alps jaw hung open. How far would these two go? Misha reached down and grasped Uri's tight chest. She cooed and leaned forward. Alps swallowed as she nibbled one of her companions tits through her robe. Misha moaned, stroking the black-furred vixen's ears. Uri pulled the tie of Misha's robe and it fell silently open. The white-furred lupis gritted his teeth as her large breasts seemed to jump out. They held the robe open so Alps could see easily that she was completely unclothed. Her legs were closed, so Alps could only see hair between Misha's legs.

Uri clutched Misha's breasts hard, licking the solid nipples and biting them in turn. The taller vixen's robe fell onto the floor. Alps looked in his lap.

He was very excited now, though no semen had yet started to seep out. If these vixens had no intention of touching Alps, only to let him watch, how would he relieve his sexual tension? Perhaps Nidaja would come a little later to help him. Alps leaned forward and watched. Misha untied Uri's robe and tossed it on the floor.

Uri's nipples were harder than Misha's, though her breasts were a little smaller. Misha rubbed the nipples passionately.

She moaned as Uri reached down between her legs and rubbed her slowly. Alps realized that he was shaking with excitement as he watched Uri's hand move back and forth between the older vixen's legs. Damn it, where was Nidaja?

"Let's get on the bed, so our guest can have a better view." Uri said softly. Alps shuddered. They climbed onto the bed and Misha laid down on her back in front of Alps. Alps smiled.

"Have you ever watched this kind of thing before?" the young vixen asked.

"No, " Alps answered, a slight tremor of anticipation in his voice, "Why do you like vixens..I mean, do you like males too, or just females?" Alps felt silly asking the question. He hoped she wouldn't be offended.

"No, I go both ways." she answered softly.

Uri had laid alongside Misha and was licking her tits and playing with her cunt. Alps felt his pulse quicken as he watched her middle finger slide all the way in. Uri kissed Misha as she began to masturbate her. The eldest vixen spread her legs and moaned as Uri slid in her index finger too.

"I could never do that." Alps said, balking at the thought.

"It's different for a vixen, Alps." Misha moaned.

Alps shuddered as Uri crawled on top of Misha and laid down. Since she was shorter, her face was at the level of her partner's breasts. She used this difference to her obvious advantage and she began sucking hungrily on Misha's tits She straddled her leg and began to rub her honey-pot against it. Misha moaned again as she started undulating her own thighs against Uri's leg.

Alps began to breathe hard. They were really going to do it...right in front of him. Alps watched this erotic display for a moment, but was quickly beginning to fell a need to do something, or he would go nuts.

"Can I touch, or do you want me just to watch?" Alps asked, almost pleadingly. Uri looked at him, allowing her gaze to fall on his hard prick. Alps swallowed, knowing she understood what he wanted his touches to lead to. She looked back into his eyes and smiled.

"Where do you want to touch?" Uri said, beginning to hump Misha a little faster. Alps gritted his teeth.

"Everywhere..." he answered. Misha moaned and began to breath harder.

She was getting closer to coming. Alps wondered if they would finish like they were, or if they would masturbate to finish.

"Just watch for now." Uri said in a whisper. She was excited too. "I might let you touch later."

Alps watched and began to pant as they rubbed their respective clits against their partner's leg. After a few minutes of cooing and humping each other, Uri got on all fours and moved down. Her rear was practically in Alps face.

Alps leaned forward to get a better look at what she was about to do. Using the thumbs on both her hands, she spread the lips of Misha's pussy wide.

Alps swallowed. She leaned down and began to lick Misha's cunt. The vixen moaned ecstatically and began playing with her breasts. Alps moaned as he listened to the lapping and slurping and heavy breathing of the two vixens.

His dick was now glistening with semen. He was dying to stuff it inside one of the sultry vixens.

"Ohhhh..." Misha moaned, "I think you've turned on our audience!" Alps smiled, glad to at least be noticed.

"Alps, you can play with Misha's chest, I'll play down here." Uri said michieviously.

Alps moaned as he leaned down and kissed the vixen passionately. She was breathing too hard to continue to kiss for very long. Instead, Alps moved down a little and began squeezing and licking Misha's enormous breasts. He sucked on her nipples, biting them on occasion. Misha began to gasp and moan louder, pumping her thighs.

"She getting close now..." Alps stated, hoping to excite the younger vixen. After all, her pussy was still open for suggestion. She seemed to become more excited.

"Leave her alone now, I want to make her come." Uri said selfishly.

Alps didn't mind. He wanted to watch it happen. Alps sat back behind the young vixen, wanting to see if her cunt was dripping from excitement yet. He was disappointed when he found her tail covering that part of her anatomy. She was teasing him. He stroked the vixen's behind, no caring at this point if the contact was welcomed. Uri lifted her tail out of the way. Alps swallowed. Was it an invitation? Alps touched her rump. He got no sound of complaint. He ran his finger across the vixen's pussy lips. He gasped as the petals spread like a blooming flower.

He moved into position, accepting Uri's invitation.

"I'm gonna go ahead and let him screw me, Misha." Uri panted as Alps placed the head of his dick between the lips of her hot cunt. He held her by the waist and slid his rock hard organ inside her.

"Uhhh, ohh, Misha, he's putting it in me..." Uri moaned, panting. Alps started slowly screwing her tight, hot pussy. He found that doing it doggie-style made it easy to watch Uri as she moved her head back into Misha's lap and resumed licking and sucking her clit. Misha was rubbing her own nipples again. Her eyes were shut tight, and she was obviously trying to make herself come harder whenever it finally happened.

"Ohh..Ohh..Oooh..” Uri began to moan with each of Alps thrusts. She was getting close. Alps gasped as he felt his own orgasm approaching. This soon?

He had only started. He gritted his teeth. He had just become so excited from watching a vixen sucked off by another vixen. He pumped harder and faster. Misha moaned a long low moan, coming on Uri's tongue. Uri lifted her wet face from between Misha's legs and panted hard as Alps screwed her.

"Ohhh..oohh..ooohh..ohh..I'm almost there.." she moaned loudly. Alps grittedhis teeth, watching as Misha started masturbating. "I'm coming..ohh..ohh..Alps..I'm-"

Uri gasped as her cunt jerked tight around Alps cock. She gasped and cried out with each thrust as she climaxed. Alps almost fell forward as he gushed inside of her.

"Oh, Misha, he's coming...he's squirting it inside.." Alps gasped again as Misha cried out, climaxing again as she hammered her pussy desperately. Alps slid his cock out of Uri and laid down beside her on his back, breathing hard. He found it difficult to accept what he had just done. Reluctantly, he decided it was not really wrong, and he dozed off. When he awoke, he was alone. He sighed.

It was actually a nice change. The constant sex with near-strangers was actually kind of stressful. He couldn't take much more of that so frequently.

Read on to part 4!

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